Trauma Informed Yoga Classes
Welcome to your online library of self-paced, trauma informed yoga practices! This library includes classes conducted in studio and virtually taught by: Mary Ortenburger, LMFT, RYT-500, yoga therapist in training, licensed psychotherapist, and trauma specialist.
Sampler: Yin, Flow, Restore
This practice starts out slowly, moving into some standing postures and then a gentle flow. It closes with restorative poses using a bolster or large pillow. As always, trauma informed.
Sampler: Yin, the Gentle Flow, then Restore
This sequence is a fully balanced practice that incorporates a yin practice, followed by a gentle flow, and closing with a restorative set of poses. Use of one bolster and two blocks (or books and a large pillow). As always, this practice is trauma informed.
Yin for Hips and Hamstrings with Somatic Focus
This sequence focuses on the hips and hamstrings and uses two blocks and one bolster. Option for movement vs holding static postures. All poses are on the ground, no standing postures. As always, trauma informed.
Yin for Shoulders and Hips
Trauma informed yin yoga sequence focusing on the hips and shoulders. If you do not have a block and bolster, you can use a rolled blanket and a book as an option. Focus in meditation on Suka and Duke: suffering and ease or the "highs and lows".
Yin For Shoulders and Hips (Soft Audio Recording on this one)
This practice uses one bolster, two blocks and a yoga strap for practice options. As always, trauma informed. The audio on this practice is rather soft, so if you are not an unlimited member it may be more useful to find a similar practice (hips and shoulders) without the soft sound component.
Yin Yoga: Hip Focus
This practice uses one bolster and 2 blocks (or sub with any props available). The focus is hip opening and the practice starts with a meditation. As always, trauma informed.
Yin for Shoulders and Hips
This sequence focuses on opening the shoulders and hips using a yin sequence with one bolster and 2 blocks. As always, trauma informed.
Yin Yoga for Hips and Hamstrings: Body Scan Meditation Opening
This 60 min class focuses on opening up the hips and the hamstrings. Use of one bolster, one block and an option for a yoga strap. As always, this practice is trauma informed and opens with a body scan meditation.
Yin: Heart Opening/Self-Compassion Focus
This practice uses 2 blocks and one bolster with a focus on opening up the heart space, chest, and shoulders. Meditation and focus is on self-compassion and extending love towards the self.
Yin Practice: Hips and Hamstrings
Trauma informed practice opening with a breath mediation and using one bolster and 2 blocks. Breath awareness, present moment awareness and opening are the themes of the class.
Yin for Shoulders and Hips
This practice can be done with only a rolled blanket or bolster, blocks are optional. The sequence focuses on opening the hips and shoulders and the opening meditation focuses on be-friending the fluctuations of the mind.
Yin: Hip Focus Opening Grounding Meditation
This class starts with a brief grounding meditation and works to open the hips throughout the class. You can do this practice with no props other than a bolster or rolled blanket at the end of the sequence.
Yin Yoga For Hips
Focus on anchoring, grounding, and releasing. Choose poses that serve you throughout class.
Yin for Shoulders/Heart Opening
Yin practice focusing on the heart chakra with awareness of samskaras (conditioning, habits, mental imprints from the past) and the option to replace with self-compassion. Use of one bolster and 2 blocks.
Yin with Restorative Option: Hips and Shoulders
Yin practice using 2 blocks and one bolster. Focused on hips and shoulders, with option to make more restorative. Focus on Ahimsa or non-harming and bringing compassion to the body and mind.
Yin for Shoulders
Use of 2 blocks, one bolster (bolster is optional) for release of the shoulder. The focus of the practice is on allowing emotions and releasing/detachment.
Sampler 60 Min
A fully balanced practice, starting Yin like, moving to a short gentle flow, then restoring and resting with bolsters.
Yin for shoulders and hips 60 min
Yin targets the connective tissues, and is best at night or early am when the body is cold. Option to use 2 blocks and a bolster, and this sequence is focused on the hips and shoulders.
60 Min Yin Practice
Here is our 50 min yin yoga class, focusing on the shoulders. As always, trauma informed. Use with or without props.
Sampler 60 min Hips, Hamstrings, Shoulders
A fully balanced practice with movement and stillness. Use props for the restorative portion of the practice (last 20 min). As always, listen to your body and make choices that serve you.
Yin for Hips and Hamstrings
This is a trauma informed practice focusing on the hips and hamstrings. Use of one yoga strap, bolster and two blocks. As always, listen to your body and make choices that serve you.
Yin Practice, Hips Inner Thighs and Hamstrings
Trauma Informed Practice focusing on the hips, hamstrings and inner thighs. Props: bolster, blocks, and strap. If you prefer to not use props you can do the practice without the use of props.
Yin Yoga 60 min
Yin yoga poses are generally on the ground, and support of props is an option. This practice we used one bolster and two blocks, and the practice was to target hips and some shoulders.
Yin for Hips
Trauma informed yin sequence focusing on the hips and some shoulders.