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Sampler 60 min Hips, Hamstrings, Shoulders
Trauma Informed Yoga Classes
A fully balanced practice with movement and stillness. Use props for the restorative portion of the practice (last 20 min). As always, listen to your body and make choices that serve you.
Up Next in Trauma Informed Yoga Classes
Yin for Hips and Hamstrings
This is a trauma informed practice focusing on the hips and hamstrings. Use of one yoga strap, bolster and two blocks. As always, listen to your body and make choices that serve you.
Yin Practice, Hips Inner Thighs and H...
Trauma Informed Practice focusing on the hips, hamstrings and inner thighs. Props: bolster, blocks, and strap. If you prefer to not use props you can do the practice without the use of props.
Yin Yoga 60 min
Yin yoga poses are generally on the ground, and support of props is an option. This practice we used one bolster and two blocks, and the practice was to target hips and some shoulders.